I have been a recognized fitness, nutrition and wellness specialist for over 25 years. Healthy diet choices, and getting ample exercise. Our only components of what we need to do to get to success.
Accountability, consistency and calorie awareness are imperative. My goal is to make nutrition EASY. No calorie counting, no apps just me and you figuring out what works best!
My goal is to make nutrition EASY. I don’t believe in fad diets but rather practicing diet as a lifestyle. No calorie counting, no apps, just me and you figuring out what works best for being especially you!
I will teach you correct portion size based upon your goal. I will help you break food addictions such as sugar. Together we will figure out what foods work best for you.

I practice bio-individuality which means each person has their own nutritional needs. So when the experts say, “dairy is good for you” or “fat is unhealthy,” it’s too much of a generalization. I teach caloric awareness as well as awareness around of the kinds of food in which we are eating and its direct effect on our bodies. By understanding the correct daily intake of necessary protein, fats, fiber, we can begin to break bad habits, such a sugar, addiction, and weaning out foods that don’t serve our bodies best.
Together, we can get the root of what may be lacking in your life and create a process to make a lifelong and SUSTAINABLE changes. I believe that losing the weight is the easy part, but keeping it off, is where the real challenge lies.
Some examples of things we can do together:
Begin Attainable Goal Setting
Establish your personalized eating plan
Cook Healthy Meals in 30-Minutes or Less
Discover How Many Calories You Actually Need in a Day
Understanding the Real Deal with Sugar, Carbs, Fat and Protein
Food Cravings - How to Break Them
Making Over your Favorite Recipes
Pricing (Live,Virtual or Phone Sessions)
All inquiries are offered a complementary, no strings attached 30-minute virtual consultation.
60-minutes $120 or 10 sessions for $1,100.00
45-minutes $95 or 10 sessions for $900.00
30-minutes $80 or 10 sessions for $750.00
Health Coaching
The foods choices we make and the activity level that we incorporate into our busy schedules, are only components of what we need to get us to a point of optimal health.
Together, we can get the root of what may be lacking in your life and create a process to make a lifelong and SUSTAINABLE changes! My Health Coaching teaches you how to abstain from cravings, eliminate stubborn body fat from your"problem areas", break bad habits, eliminate food addictions, and most importantly helps you find the right nutritional balance customized to your body's personal needs and your own particular lifestyle. By educating you with the tools that you will need to live happier and healthier for the rest of your life, you can get off of the diet rollercoaster of deprivation overindulgence once and for all!

Looking to transform your health, mind, body and spirit? Do you wish that you could sometimes hit the REBOOT button on your system just as we do on our computers? Get a group together to start a fitness and wellness makeover and support each other on the journey! Discover a truly meaningful life through proper nutrition & fitness and self care (that you deserve!) while motivating and supporting each other to a healthier and happier YOU!
**all sessions include 24 hour email and text support, recipes, reading materials, and daily food log review**
Program Particulars & Topics:
Customized/Individualized Nutrition Plans for all participants
Attainable Goal Setting
How Many Calories You Actually Need in a Day
Food Cravings - How to Break Them
Eat More, Weigh Less
Healthy Meals in 30-Minutes or Less
Making Over your Favorite Recipes
Understanding the Real Deal with Sugar, Carbs, Fat and Protein
Demystifying Food Nutrition Labels and Fad Diets
Pricing (Live,Virtual or Phone Sessions)
All inquiries receive a 30-minute complimentary consultation
60-minute session - Please Inquire
30-minute session - Please Inquire
What People Are Saying